HomeEntertainmentThe German LTE network is worse than that of Albania – this...

The German LTE network is worse than that of Albania – this is the Provider to say

Expensive data volume, slow speed, and often a lack of reception: The German LTE network doesn’t feel that way often, according to the digital future. One of the party “The Greens”, a study commissioned to the bad feeling In respect to the LTE network and the networks of Telekom, Vodafone and O2 are cut off in a European comparison. How is this explained?

The Numbers are shocking: Even the best German LTE network of Telekom, only 75 percent of the German population in extraordinary quality. In the case of Vodafone, it looks even bleaker: There you are surfing only in 57 percent of all Connections with a working LTE. In the O2 network of Telefonica this value already falls below 50 percent. In an international comparison, this is simply embarrassing: In the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland with values beyond 90% can be achieved. The German average is the worst in the Test.



5G, the dispute over the LTE-successor shows Germany’s Digital Dilemma

By Malte Mansholt

to determine the values gained by the company P3, the mobile data by means of a cooperation with 800 Apps for Android Smartphones. The stored in the Background data on the connection, the speed and the place, and they gave anonymously. So collected within a period of three months, in Germany alone, over three billion records and compared. The data were about as part based in the network Test of the magazine “Connect” (here you will find the Test).

say Telekom, Vodafone and O2

But how does the operator respond to the Test? While the Telefónica says the result is not only that it will “examine in Detail”, to doubt Telekom and Vodafone, with the result smooth. In the case of Telekom, it relies on the small number of test devices as well as on the fact that a lot of discount, customers can use LTE. Vodafone, in contrast, believes that it was the result of a misinterpretation. To blame for the bad result of the bad road network, but the fact that a lot of customers do not use a plan with LTE be.

These points of criticism has considered the P3 in the design of the study according to their own information. When Collecting the data, not only the reception, but also the quality of the connection is observed, explained P3-managing Director Hakan Ekmen the star. So would about be taken into account if user took advantage of a Tariff without LTE, or data connection due to poor reception from LTE to 3G switches. In addition, the data of the customer, the volume of which was reduced were not expecting. So, it should not be secured, that LTE is generally available, but for the customers also.

magazine “Connect”: discounters networks in the Test: How good are Aldi talk, Congstar, clear mobile, Tchibo and co. really? Fullscreen

Lidl Connect

The final lighting Discounter Lidl. As a pure D2-Tariff without LTE, the offer has no Chance against the faster rivals and remains the only “sufficient”.

manufacturer High prices, poor network

On the comparatively poor power addressed, did the Provider sensitive. All three emphasize, to have the LTE reception in recent years expanded and are continuing to work. The Situation is also quite different than, for example, in the Netherlands, or Albania, because small countries need to be supplied with less people, so the Telekom. Why, then, similar-sized States such as France or Poland perform better, is not explained.

The relatively high prices in Germany are priced right different. While Vodafone stressed that there is due to the large variety and the discount rates with a huge selection in the market and average prices fall in the last few years, constant, to give Telekom and O2 frankly, the high prices also arise from the cost of the development and bid for the mobile licences. The had also criticised P3 in the study as very high. Especially since the money is not invested in the Expansion of the networks, but in the state Treasury.

because Of high speed

LTE with a snail’s pace: the Provider

By Malte mansholt justify 5G will Bring salvation?

as of the spring of such a verse to stand again increases: Then, the Provider should provide radio frequencies for the upcoming 5G technology. An important hope of the policy: The new technology should also equip the suspended regions with a reasonable power. The providers do not share this hope. According to the Telefónica, the first expansion is likely to level first only in the industry, only from the much later planned second stage could then also benefit the consumer but rather because of the higher transfer rates than better reception.

the Dilemma of high costs and low demand in the country how to fix, is more unclear. The rules for the auction of the 5G licenses, which require Bidder in addition to the new network to the further Expansion of the existing LTE network. An important suggestion for improvement to the expansion, it was also to commit the Provider with the auction of the 5G licenses in the coming spring, and other providers to the network for shared use. Based on the holiday known Roaming this solution is referred to as a Provider Roaming.

fear of new competition

The providers are enthusiastic about the idea, as expected, little. “Mandatory National Roaming will not improve the Situation. Because it rewards those companies that do not self-build”, so the evaluation of the Telekom. Also Vodafone rejects the idea of strict, mainly because of the fear of possible rivals, the run, then no new network: “The stirrup and hold for a potential new entrant would devalue in addition, past billion-investment in networks and frequencies.” According to the Telefónica, you want cooperation, “in the interest of the consumer, it should not go at the expense of infrastructure competition.” In the case of Telekom, it is concrete, as these loads could look like this: “You get to delay the Expansion as long as possible, in the hope that another network, building operators, and you can save the costs for the construction and operation of an own location.”

For a different idea, Vodafone and Telefónica but open. The so-called “Local Roaming” is the advantage of being in the country only a lines with few customers, a network must be build, which can then be shared. The cooperation wird is not enforced, but to be worked out case-by-case voluntary. So can some the Provider, in theory, who expand what is the area and thus save money. Whether this makes the customers be noticeable, stands on a different Plan.

tips and traps

cell phone contract: What you need to in the Collective search save pay attention

Cheaper price or good Service, LTE high-speed or prefer to money: the search for The right mobile phone contract is a real challenge. We’ll tell you what you really need to pay attention to.

By Malte Mansholt

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