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He will stand for Morbius in front of the camera


Matt Smith is allowed to. soon in a Marvel Film

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By Prince Philip to cartoon character: Matt Smith (36) Hollywood career rolling prove As “Variety” reported, has landed the actor is now a role in new Marvel film “Morbius”. What role exactly will be the, the has not yet been announced. Only that it should be, in the Part in the Spider-Man Spin-off to a bigger one. Now the speculations doing the rounds that it could be the main villain.

The main role in the Marvel Film, which also plays in the same universe as “Venom”, will take on Jared Leto (47, “Suicide Squad”). He makes the scientist, Dr. Michael Morbius to play the turns while trying to find a cure for a blood disease, in a living vampire, and now only hunt for Criminals.

start date is still unknown

The Director of the movie Daniel Espinosa (41) that was already in place for “Safe House” and “Life” takes over. The shooting will begin soon, an official start date has not been announced by Sony Pictures.

Smith has already achieved his main role in the series “Doctor Who” and as Prince Philip in “The Crown” of greater awareness. In addition, he was already in the “Termintor: Genisys” and will belong to the Cast of “star Wars Episode IX”.


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