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He says to the Wetten, dass..?-Return


Thomas Gottschalk is betting 2020, once again, “that..?” moderate

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to 2020, Thomas Gottschalk (68) returns after a long absence on the occasion of his 70. Birth day as Moderator of the ZDF-Show “back Wetten, dass..?”. The one-off reunion with the cult Saturday night show, and the cult-Moderator had confirmed the ZDF-entertainment chief Oliver Heidemann in an Interview with “goldenekamera.de”. Now has also commented Gottschalk himself to the notice.

he could promise the Fans already now, said Thomas Gottschalk in a conversation with “DWDL.de”: “I forget neither what is nor what I’ve learned.” His personal ambition was not limited always to make it as good as possible, “everything else I have a handle on,” says the 68-Year-old, who had recently attended with the separation from wife Thea Gottschalk (73) for headlines.

the return of Michelle Hunziker?

Whether his former Co-presenter Michelle Hunziker (42) on “Wetten, dass..?”-Comeback will be a part of, in Gottschalk made no concrete statement: “In any case, the old age is not advanced to the point that Michelle has to lead me through the Show,” he replied to the question on the Italian-Swiss TV presenter, who had led from 2009 to 2011, at his side through the ZDF-show.

in 2011, both had finished their commitment to the show, after Samuel cook was killed in December 2010 in his betting trial. In the following program in February 2011, Gottschalk to that announced for the summer of his resignation as host of “bet that..?”, because since the accident of the candidate for him, “a shadow on the shipment”; it could not “find the good mood back, you have the right to expect of me.”

It is now in the “fields”-Interview approached, he said in terms of the Comebacks: “The shadow will always be on the show, but the sun is stronger.”


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