The crossword puzzle as a PDF

7 food storage, punktelos: one with a good Dose of mindfulness development potential of 11 More likely to cushion the point of contact of 14, The Church does not need a 32 horizontal by 16 To the Power of happiness, only the Unfortunate to confess, because the Happy result of all their success to prudence and … back (J. Swift) 19 20: a typical Sport of the 23 -horizontal-admirer 21 Reminds a Player to be Sportsman 22 As the Laundry before Ironing? How Generous of the month, the end 23 of the Lady in the belly of the suspects got 34 perpendicular to the given 24 Nickname from Archangel liable to the spheres 26 friend, and … done if you Help in Need (Abraham a Santa Clara) 28 Cherished as flora enclosure 30 Two belong to the slalom competition, eight to the dog-and-rabbit-betting race 32 While sailing, then, … (proverb) 34 in the banana Symphony, the tone 35 in Front of a fountain in its monarchic Version 36-the main thing in the Long cable case 38 Significant Phase in the emergence of a castle, the ruins of 39, The threatening, if it is for the 14 horizontally on the Brink of 40 is Not really light-tight, the drum also in the window 41 of The … of praise hanged consists in works, not in words (proverb) 43 city slickers in the frankofonen Alps? High prozenter from further North! 44 flake from the bottle Floats like snow in a glass?

1 Ashamed to Beaudenlose, is to him a blemish visible 2 Luggage stateless, according to the nature of the victory view 3 a one-way cul-de-SAC in the float area 4 Free of he can go out’is still high, except in the Club of the Desinformanten 5 bets, it can be also be a flirt prompt? 6, knows his role in hell, as in the gingerbread house 7 Who is his…, the is the Free; who imagines himself to be free of his Madness: servant (Grillparzer) 8 In the case of a blessing in disguise but only a call far away 9 Play a fundamental role in patterning, as in the case of the fight against crime 10 comment pleased the tongue 11 slightly longer than its front end: to Find some man’s best friend 12 Helpful pages, working tirelessly in the Zelda-Looking 13 Exceptionally warmly welcomed, for the most part, as a Behind-the-forehead-Aufblitzer 15 especially, this vertical 17 A uhrsprüngliches noise level in the shopping list at the Constructeur of Paris’ major 37, was also in some of the original head 18 More to the foliage than the Umbel, the soup chef, 24 Write, he’s Just a Verhalblautbarung from the bloody corner of 25, some to the wishlist and don’t have a bike or a 26 balance right 27 Is nothing Neuss: As it flows 29 A lady, everyone has you in the arms 31 Just w – is not one of the methods to protect the 33 learn: by means of a rotation crown, a carrier 34 will be created here If free copy, leave the dental check fail 37 of The lightning strikes in a … than in a hut (proverb) 42 Can be brought to Land as on the sea ahead, and there’s also applause

solution of no. 2459 (time magazine no 47/2018):

7 free style 11 GALLERY, Gallery and art sales/exhibition space, a 15-foot lazy 17 MOMENT 19 KEFIR 20 pond 21 hay, straw DIEMEN SUCCEED 23 Jules VERNE 24 REST 25 EXCHANGES 27 GENRE 29 LIGHTNING 30-case, -paper 32 DOUBLE an actor 35 “tank!” and the TANK 37 38 regulations and RULES 41 IS NOD, 42-set, -set 43, 44 Ski JUMPS 45 GAENGELN

Vertically: the
courage 1 brothers Lich vs. proposal “” (national anthem) 2 Valentin – Karlstadt-Musäum in ISARtor, Munich, Germany 3 bird MILAN and Milan Kundera 4 he, and SKIMMED like 5 CAPSIZE 6 FILIUS = son (lat.) 7 FACTORS 8 in D-elfi-n 9 VIRTUES of 10 LARVAE 11 Johannes GUTENBERG 12 Peter Joseph LENNE PAY as a designer in the Berlin Tiergarten 13 OAKS in schl-oak 14 16 MEAN 18 ADVICE 22, the and the QUANTITIES of 26 RICH 27 Venetian and gondola-GONDOLA 28 REGGAE 31 INCA 33 URANIUM in uranium-us 34 LEO in Leo-never 36 ANNE Hathaway, “Brokeback Mountain” 39 LENZ in Koblenz 40 MONEY.