HomeEntertainmentApple maps to work on robotic car technology, re –

Apple maps to work on robotic car technology, re –

Apple arranges its work on Software for self-driving cars again. Under the name “Project Titan” has become known the area had been reduced by more than 200 employees, reported the American news channel CNBC.

An Apple spokesman confirmed to the TV channel that there had been redundancies and pointed out that the Team is focusing this year on specific areas.

Some employees were relocated in other part of the group, where they, among other things, in machine Learning is to work, it said.

Apple see but is still great potential for Autonomous systems, said the spokesman for CNBC. To Apple was returned last summer, Doug Field, who had recently played a Central role in vehicle development of the electric car-manufacturer Tesla. The current tag for Apple could be a reorganization under Field.

About the car project of Apple is speculated over a number of years. Only the iPhone group wanted to build, as we Heard, a private car and had already designed prototypes.

But then, this Plan was abandoned and the much smaller development team focused on the development of robot auto Software.

Apple sends with cameras and laser radars upgraded vehicles on the road in California. The last several dozen were admitted to this test car.

In California now have 61 company a license to test Autonomous vehicles. Including car manufacturers and industry suppliers various many technology, in addition to establish companies, such as Google’s sister company Waymo, Intel, and Samsung, as well as many Start-ups.


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