HomeBusinessHartz IV: We have to help, but

Hartz IV: We have to help, but

Contents page 1 — We have to help, but page 2 — no one should Westfalen have to fear to lose his little home On a page

The FDP politician Christian Lindner is the Chairman of the liberals, Johannes Vogel, Secretary General of the party in North Rhine-read. The latter is also responsible for labour market and social policy for the FDP.

Sahra wagenknecht believed it already always, Andrea Nahles for a Long time and now Robert Habeck: “Hartz IV must go!” On the one hand it is good, if a movement in the debate. Because nothing is perfect, certainly not the German unemployment benefit II., We Free Democrats want to improve the basic provision, therefore, for a Long time and modernize it. And as long as we discuss under the Heading of citizens ‘ money. If the SPD Chairman will now take the term, is at least rhetorical progress.

on the Other hand, must not only the concepts but also the content. But since Habeck and Nahles get bogged down in the frantic attempt to gain a safe distance away from the Agenda 2010. In outdoing competition for voters on the left not only 30 billion euros are to be spent – that would be as an additional tax burden for a crass economic brake, the weaknesses of the SMEs and, thus, opportunities are not entry level, but would reduce. No, it is also drawn as a grotesque caricature. Hartz IV is a System of “paternalism” and “punishment”, in the sanctions, “constantly threatening”. Pretty strong stuff and, above all, an insult to the women and men who help every day in the job centers of the Republic, people in the most difficult situations.

The truth is that Around 97 percent of people in the basic social security to come up with sanctions at all, never in contact, apparently, is made of very moderate use. In truth here is a basic principle of the social state is the basic law in question. Who wants to pay Transfers really unconditionally – even to people who don’t want to work – adopted not only by the support and Challenge, but is unethical. It would be deeply unfair, with state coercion means the property of the hard-working average wage earners to enter the ends of the tire, in order to Finance social transfers to people who could stand on their own legs. All are obliged to help against all that you need. But everyone has the responsibility to participate, to end this state.

idea of a basic income shimmers

the Chairman of The German trade Union Federation, Reiner Hoffmann, had already feared a “closure premium”, and thus points to a further aspect, the shimmers in here through the debate and some of the remarks made: the idea of an unconditional basic income. The idea, of us would go out due to technical progress, eventually finishing the work. Against this industrial upheaval ever-recurring concern of all the research and historical experience to talk about. For people is the fear of your workplace way would be to give at the same time, a social state backup pledge, the financing for which no one knows.

In truth we have today is a growing shortage of skilled workers. And if we set the right conditions, then it will be created in Germany by the digitisation of many new jobs. Nobody should be scared! The people must not be held to an artificially away from the labour market, on the other, the promise should be a priority to ensure that each and every a Chance to training and the hurdles for a To – and new entry in the future-enabled Jobs.

Instead of on the keyboard of primal Fears, we should consider the opportunities of digitalization on more self-determination and let live-running territorial reality. The Latvian-American philosopher Judith Shklar has put in The Liberalism of Fear is a point of reference. Without fear of each to achieve a Maximum of self-determination, so much as it is with the same freedom for all other compatible.

fall For us, this also means that the social network must provide for each of us at stages of Transition, vicissitudes of life or the fate of a help to stand up Again and for the further development of shock – no stumbling. The basic security must not be abolished, but it must be less bureaucratic, would come true, and above all, opportunity-oriented. This is exactly our idea of a liberal citizens ‘ money. Three suggestions:

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